You can't (read won't) get reintegrated in your pre-holiday life all too quick.
It's not quite so much as the feeling of getting back to a grind but it's the whole feeling of reluctance of having *that* time end.
This is why it's tough-
- Time seems to stop. Actually it goes much faster than it usually does during your everyday routine :(
- You end up doing things that you'll remember forever.
- Leisure is all around you. Leisure is in the air. It's in your pores and everything you do. Even when you hurry you do it in a relaxed manner. How's that for figure of speech culminating out of 3 years of English Litt?
- The calories from all the stuff you eat doesn't seem to count. It'll come back and settle happily on your hips and every other unwanted place but for now it's all good.
- The liquid nourishment you guzzle doesn't have to be rationed since there is no work to rush to the next morning.
- There are NO responsibilities.
- It's a sybaritic trip.
- You come back to normalcy and hit the ground with a thud!
- Cooks don't turn up.
- Maids come in late.
- There're a LOT of unread mails awaiting you.
- Your child clings to you and says don't go to work let's watch TV together and play on the seesaw.
- Your spouse, who you left holding the fort, stops holding the fort now that you're back.
- You need to get into multitasking mode.
- Everything at home is running on empty- cars to groceries to drinking water.
- You are constantly daydreaming of the bygone days and sighing internally and smiling to yourself thinking of that oh-too-brief respite and hedonism.
- You realize you're already planning for the next time in your head.
Then the phone rings, the email pings, your child calls you and the doorbell chimes and you get up and begin tackling them all one by one.
That's normalcy. The trips are the anomalies. Good ones albeit.
But normalcy is more regular and easier to adjust to.
Still, all said and's to: